
The soul of

After a life travelling the world to acquire deeper knowledge, Tarandev chose to set aside her suitcases and put down roots to create a special, safe place to practise yoga and meditation. Although this new chapter is establishing its foundations, Tarandev wanted to keep the idea of travel in this house, expressed in the form of thoughts, emotions, sensations and details. Her objective is to transport anyone wishing to grow spiritually on the most beautiful journey of all. 

At Casin’Anand you will discover a new dimension of peace, harmony and connection with your core.


After 25 years spent working in fashion and art, in 2010, Tarandev decided to move with her family to the Bermudas, where she devoted herself to yoga, to her spiritual development and to listening to her soul. Then, in 2013 she discovered Kundalini Yoga, and became a certified instructor in 2015 (Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan).

Rare things for rare people

Cit. Friedrich Nietzsche

Acquire greater awareness of yourself

Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, also known as the yoga of awareness, is a holistic technique focusing on strengthening the nervous system and balancing the glandular system to enable us to face the challenges today’s world subjects us to and to be able to maintain a strong, bright spirit.

Kundalini Yoga is an ancient tradition that masterly coordinates posture, breathing, concentration, sounds, relaxation and meditation in order to learn to listen to, get to know and love ourselves,. It enables us to keep our circulatory, immune and nervous systems well-balanced to avoid any insufficiencies and stay as healthy as possible.


Via Ofanto, 5 – 73051 Novoli LE 
+39 0832 26 73 63
+39 376 202 9643