This common room called “Olio e Sale” is the refectory to welcome you in the winter time. Here around a grand table 5 meters long the guests will gather to share the blessed moment of the first meal of the day: the breakfast, composed with the produces of our gardens or local farms.
The purest freshness, lush greenery and local authenticity
In summer time many tables around the “Piazza del Tiglio” the hub of Casin’Anand , will be set for the outside service. Guest choosing to spent all the day inside the Oasis will have the option to choose lunch or dinner suggested by our menu, according to the same philosophy of “ locavore” choices.
The luxury of freshness, green and local are the 3 main ingredients in our food. Love is obviously the substance of all of them and creativity their essence!
The communal spaces in the house offer
guests sociable moments
and perfect restorative harmony.