First Chakra: Muladhara – The Red Room

Sat Nam friends, 
Today I am starting the description of the red room the first of the chakra’s room located on the ground floor.
Like the first chakra in our body this room is situated in the house’s lower triangle.
Actually it is one the 3 rooms in the “modern” wing of Casin’Anand, the corner of the house facing the main court: the “Lime’s Place” the heart of the “cittadella” and just above them, at the first level we will find the 3 upper triangle ones.
At Casin’Anand every room is dedicated to a different country and furnished for the most with pieces brought from the different countries I visit.
Because the first chakra: the root chakra is the one from where the all journey start; it was an evidence, for me, to dedicate it to India.
In facts each of Casin’Anand room invite you to travel in different country, moods and
emotions, and India for me also represent the starting point for the deeper travel inside ourself, it is one of the country I loved the most for what it thought me and for his deep magic beauty , for his colors and smells, his taste and despair, joy and devotion.
The Indian red is a very special one and for sure my favorite “nuance” in this color I don’t really feel connected to…so this was also a reason that made me naturally pick up this color
to represent the Indian continent!
Behind the bed and his Indian red Skai headboard raise, on the wall, a fresco representing half of a lotus flower, starting the blossom process like this room represent the awakening and beginning on the energy wheels ( letteral translation of “chakra”) itinerary.
The bed ,like all the others that can be separated to become 2 single ones, was designed by myself and painted on the dominant color of the accessories of the room: here black. The bed is covered with a joyful” suzani”*.
2 different table bed in carved wood sides it and the tingling light on them come also from India.
An old suzani fabric serves as the closet door and below it an adorable Tibetan furniture painted with flowers and clouds completes the ensemble.
In a corner there is a windows containing 2 old tribe’s headdress from the time when woman were princess of beauty in their everyday life.
An octagonal desk in dark brown wood ,2 flower curved chairs with colorful seats and another wooden cabinet make up the working corner.
Walls are decorated with ancients wooden carrier terminals representing Hinduist divinity, fabric impression mold converted in nice hangers, mirrors and painting representing Indian scenes.
The bathroom has beautiful red walls, double twins sinks , Indian mirrors and beautiful lamps drop shaped like Indians’ bindu( the sacred point in the middle of the eyebrows Indians
protect entering the temples covering it with hashes, ghee and red powder…for example..

I hope This room will have the power to transport you in the mystic and wonder of Indian continent and help you to connect deeper with your soul.

  • Suzani: big fabric panel hand embroided


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