A day at the Casina

Dear ones,

Today has been an extremely hot day, with the sun at 35 degrees, the clear sky, the scorched earth, and the song of the cicadas;
I rise at dawn, cross the courtyard, and glimpse the banana trees, protected by the remains of some walls from the medieval village we discovered, standing tall in the maturing dawn like the two bunches of bananas they are bearing.
A first surge of joy cheers my heart.

I access the yoga room using the privileged path granted to me, passing through the refectory hall where the soles of my bare feet are lovingly caressed by the living softness of the natural resins it is made of. This is a second moment of full awareness and gratitude for the wonders our Mother Earth gives us.

I open the door and am greeted by the renewed wonder that I feel every morning upon entering this sacred room where the presence of the Divine becomes even more palpable. I chant the introductory mantras to the practice, and the breathtaking acoustics make me fall in love more and more each day with the sound, with the ether that allows it to travel and manifest, immersing me in the cosmic embrace that makes me aware, once again, of the here and now, of the continuous and infinite connection of everything.

My morning routine, brief because it is currently the daily practice that occupies almost all of my actions, energizes me for this day yet to be discovered.

A frugal breakfast by choice, though the Casina offers a plethora of delicacies from our synergistic garden or the skilled and loving hands of our Betty, queen of sweet and savory transformations and creations. I take it in the courtyard, under the fragrant branches of a majestic lime tree, with white monastic ceramics, just like the small tables and antique wrought iron chairs, all dressed in white.

From here, a visit to the cats’ Casina: my five black panthers and one cuddly Siamese. It’s a delightful room where I had a small window made and decorated with an antique iron grill. It is located at the back of our private village and overlooks the cyclamen flower bed.

After completing their morning meal ritual, distributing cuddles and affectionate words to each of them, I arm myself with my wicker basket, gloves, and shears, and head to the herb garden.

After the ritual greeting to the sculpture of the deer, the magnificent totem of the estate that reigns at its center, I choose which lavender bed to cut today. It’s time to cut their flowering and fragrant tufts, transforming them while invigorating the plant for the next season.

A flurry of bees, bumblebees, and butterflies are already busy; we share the tufts and spaces… there’s enough for everyone…

I have already gathered a lot in the past days to make bunches and decorate the dormitory or take them to the “Tienda,” our boutique, to offer them to guests who will stay and want to take a scent of this place with them as a memory. Today’s will be left on the ground; it’s already extremely hot, and I feel I won’t linger.

I head to the art studio, where I continue to handcraft small bags to store sweet pea flower seeds: wonderful flowers that adorned our vegetable boxes until a few days ago. These, too, can be taken to one’s city and planted, preserving and spreading the spirit of the Casina.

I return to the main house and see the first guests, recently awakened, moving confidently and feeling well in the dining hall, which in the meantime has been set for wholesome and genuine breakfasts. It is also my joy to see people gently immersing themselves in that wellbeing made of simplicity, harmony, and contact with nature, always accompanied by comfort and a sense of security.

The six hectares of the estate offer a world of varied landscapes circumscribed by ancient walls that keep out noise, stress, and haste. Every step is an invitation to pause and enjoy the moment, in line with the ancient motto “Take the time to smell the rose.”

From this moment on, I start living my daily life, balancing the needs of nature and the people who have chosen to approach this slow and mindful way of living, in full freedom, enjoying the various experiences and opportunities offered. Some will go to the spa for a solitary path, some will get a massage under the splendid gazebo surrounded by magnolias in the Japanese garden, some will play bocce along the Mediterranean grove, and some will relax by the spectacular pool. Some will come to meditate with me at sunset, and others will take a homemade pasta course in our delightful sugar-colored kitchen inside our surprising “eccentric workshop.”

Then comes dusk, and I allow myself a relaxation in the jacuzzi hidden in the olive grove. The guests prepare for an evening out, leaving me the space to savor the changing colors of the sunset, the bubbling water on my tired muscles, and the affectionate presence of my panthers standing guard. They are always in a pack. At one point, one raises its head and points towards a glimpse of the olive grove. I turn my head… just in time to see a red fox lower its ears and run away, passing beyond the walls. I felt like I was in Africa, protected by my animal guardians and in close proximity to the native wildlife. Pure magic… feeling part of the cosmos is a wonderful, invigorating sensation. Experiencing moments of encounter between earth, man, and sky is truly the most beautiful and joyful experience one can have… and all this can be found at the Casina.

My day has been divine.

I look forward to sharing such joy with you, in my house of joy: Casin’Anand!

Sat Nam
Wahe Guru

P.S. To confirm what was seen the night before, the next morning, another fox, this one blonde, was in front of the “Infinity Pool” in front of the Casina… just in time to be captured in the photo here… and the magic continues…


Via Ofanto, 5 – 73051 Novoli LE 
+39 0832 26 73 63
+39 376 202 9643