FIRST MANTRAS of Kundalini Yoga as thought by Yogi Bhajan

There is a lot to be told about Casin’Anand!

Therefore today my desire is to stay connected to the primal motivation originating all this creation: my discovery of the Kundalini Yoga, the transformation it operate on me and the huge desire to create a safe place where other people could come discover and practice it.

Today I will describe to you what you will discover entering the *shala* and practice with me.

You will find your yoga mat covered with fabric or sheep skin as we need to be connected to the energy of the Earth, and synthetic materials doesn’t allow that.

You will sit and cross your legs in front of you in the *easy pose* posture, your arms will be straight, le wrists on the knees and the finger in the *gyan mudra* posture: the Thumb, that represents de Positive Ego, connected to Mars planet , with his Fire element that transforms and balance the energies touches the Index finger that is connected to Jupiter the Wisdom planet and the Water: the element of the creativity.

Your eyes will be closed, all of you will entirely be connected to your inner self during all the practice, your focus, your inner sight drown to the *third eye point* located in between your eyebrows, the dwell of the pituitary gland that you will stimulate focusing on.

Your spine will stay straight and long feeling the connection of you seat bones with the ground and the back of your neck elongated, your chin slightly drown to your neck just to maintain the alignment of cervical and skull and let the energy flow freely along the spinal channel.

As you feel ready, still in your posture to start to pay attention to your breath, you make it longer , calmer and deeper, you are very present to fell the freshness of the air entering your nostrils and the warmth of the exit, your mouth is closed, all the time, air coming in only from the nose; and you enter this feeling, you embrace it enjoying the rhythm, the sound all your body will start to wake up for, in the same way become present to the feeling of the air around you, to the sounds outside, to the smells and music , awakening all your being to the present here and now.

After a few of this respiration we will place our hand in prayer pose, the two palms one against the other, fingers pointing up and pressing together, but before we will rub them a few times, vigorously in order to allow our energy to start to flow then we poise.

The hand placed on the heart center, between our nipples, pressing the life nerve under our skin and feeling the heart beats.

We inhale and exhale deeply a couple of times ,then we inhale again and in one only long exhale we gone chant the ADI MANTRA: the* mantra* of the beginning, the one that synchronize us with the current sound of our true identity and has the power to connect us with the golden chain of all the gurus and teachers that has been before us and will be in the future.

The words are

That means “I bow to the Eternal Teacher, I bow to the teacher within me”
We chant it 3 times :starting to exhale from the belly and drawing up the air ,with the sound, to the heart center till the top of the crown, on the top of the head.
At the end we silently enjoy and savor the joy of this powerful mantra .
Afterwards I like to chant the *A MANGALA CHARAN*: that is the protection mantra, that clears your path opening yourself to your deepest truth and surrounds your magnetic field with protective light.

It says

That means:
I bow to the primal wisdom
I bow to the wisdom true through the ages
I bow to the true wisdom
I bow to the great unseen wisdom.
It is chanted “ times.
Then you listen peacefully to the vibration this chant create in the ether, you savor it and we are ready to start our practice that will be made of some warm up exercises, a kriya, the relaxation and the final meditation.
I will explain what is a kriya in a next time!
All blessings dear friends
Sat Nam
*shala: the class where a yoga class is held
*mudra: position of the hands
*mantra: literally flow of the mind: a sacred sound that cleans the brain with his potency and repetition

Gyan Mudra

Prayer Pose


Via Ofanto, 5 – 73051 Novoli LE 
+39 0832 26 73 63
+39 376 202 9643